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Record Holder - N.Antonino 11 (2017/2018)



Season 2024/2025 Spanner Club -

Sana Latu 4 

Tom Perry 3

Isabella Antonino 2 

N.Antonino ?

Lachlan Shanks 2

Jack Doderico 1 






“Stawell Club”, “Black Opal and Black Pearl Club”, and Only the Elite” PDF Print E-mail
Written by Nick Fiedler   
Thursday, 18 April 2024

Stawell Sash Winners Club
Anne Fearnley (Fiedler) x2 (Also Bruce Walker Trophy) (Also Hall of Fame 40th best moment)
Kimberley Meagher x2 (Also 1x Fashions on the Field)
Alice Platten x2
Kendra Hubbard  
Sam Jamieson
Khan Marr x2 
Katie Moore
Celia Cosgriff (Also Bruce Walker Trophy)
Cam Moss
Josh Tiu 
Kate Marriott
Darren Naismith x2 (Also Bruce Walker Trophy)
Dylan Moore 
Jack Lacey (Also Eric Cumming Trophy)
Max Lacey x2
Dion Paull x2 (Also Eric Cumming Trophy)
Rupert Lugo 
Nicholas Antonino
Jerome Lugo x2 
Lachlan Perdon
Ruby Crisp 
Sophie Stokes
Claire Hurley 
Ed Ware x3 (1 prior to joining squad) (Also Eric Cumming Trophy) (Also 1x Men’s Fashions on the Field)
Harrison Kerr x2 (1 prior to joining squad) 
Jack Doderico x2 (1 prior to joining squad) (Also Bruce Walker Trophy)
Cameron Yorke (Prior to joining squad)
Adrian Mott (Prior to joining squad)
Tamsyn Lewis (Manou) (Prior to joining squad)
(Belinda Carusi - 3x Fashions on Field)
(Cara White - 1x Fashions on Field) 
(Isabella Antonino - 2x Best Hat in Fashions on the Field) 
Stawell Gift Finalist Club
Sam Jamieson (1st and 3rd)
Ed Ware (1st, 2nd, 4th) (2nd Prior to joining squad)
Harrison Kerr (1st)
Jack Lacey (1st)
Nick Antonino (2nd)
Josh Tiu (4th) 
Dion Paull (4th)
Jerome Lugo (6th)
Adrian Mott (1st ) (Prior to joining squad)
Ryan Camille (4th and 5th) (Both prior to joining squad) 

Kimberley Meagher (1st and 4th)
Anne Fearnley (Fiedler) (2nd and 3rd)
Kendra Hubbard (2nd and 3rd)
Sally Jamieson (2nd) 
Katie Moore (5th, 6th and 8th)
Tiwanna Merritt (8th)
Tamsyn Lewis (Manou) (1st) (Prior to joining squad)
Bendigo Black Opal Club and Bendigo Back Pearl Club 
Harrison Kerr x2
Cam Moss
Jack Lacey
Anne Fearnley (Fiedler)
Sally Jamieson
Kasey Moore 
Bay Sheffield Club
Anne Fearnley x2 (Also Frank McHugh Trophy)
Kimberley Meagher (Also Frank McHugh Trophy))
Harrison Kerr (Also Frank McHugh Trophy)
Khan Marr 
Kendra Hubbard
Katie Moore
Darren Naismith
Cameron Yorke
Hayley Atkins
Josh Tiu x3
Ed Ware
Jack Lacey
Ruby Crisp
Sophie Stokes
Alice Platten
Michael Chimenton 
Shane McKenzie x3 (3x Prior to Joining Squad) (Hall of Fame Inductee)
Tamsyn Lewis (Manou) (Prior to joining Squad) 

“Only the Elite Club” - (Athletes who are both Stawell and Bay Sheffield Sash Winners)
Anne Fearnley (Fiedler) 2x Stawell & 2x Bay Sheffield 
Katie Moore 1x Stawell and 1x Bay Sheffield
Josh Tiu 1x Stawell and 3x Bay Sheffield
Ed Ware 3x Stawell and 1x Bay Sheffield (1 Stawell prior to joining squad)
Kimberley Meagher 2x Stawell and 1x Bay Sheffield 
Khan Marr 2x Stawell and 1x Bay Sheffield
Harrison Kerr 2x Stawell and 1x Bay Sheffield 
Darren Naismith 2x Stawell and 1x Bay Sheffield
Cameron Yorke 1x Stawell and 1x Bay Sheffield (Stawell prior to joining squad)
Kendra Hubbard 1x Stawell and 1x Bay Sheffield
Jack Lacey 1x Stawell and 1x Bay Sheffield
Alice Platten 2x Stawell and 1x Bay Sheffield 
Ruby Crisp 1x Stawell and 1x Bay Sheffield
Sophie Stokes 1x Stawell and 1x Bay Sheffield
Tamsyn Lewis (Manou) 1x Stawell and 1x Bay Sheffield (Both prior to joining squad) 

Last Updated ( Sunday, 21 April 2024 )
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